Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting IS NOT a parish council meeting and is a meeting for people of the Parish.

In legal terms the Annual Parish meeting is a separate body to the parish council although the Parish Council usually acts as hosts for the meeting, preparing the agenda and minutes and the Chairman of the Parish Council will normally chair the meeting.

Local electors (i.e. those on the electoral roll and registered to vote in Great Bentley) may add items to the agenda for discussion on any local matters of interest, up to and including the day of the meeting.

All local electors have a right to attend, speak and vote on any matter of local interest, with each elector having 1 vote per item.  Any decisions from the meeting are not binding on the Parish Council or any other public body but merely express the views of local electors.

Parish councillors attend as members of the public.

The meeting has its own minutes which must be kept separately to the Parish Council minutes. They belong to the Parish meeting and will be noted by the Council at their next meeting (in case they want to take action on any points raised) but they can not be signed until the next Annual Parish meeting the following year.

The Annual Parish Meeting must be held between March 1 and June 1 each year.

The date of the next Annual Parish Meeting is Thursday 17th April 2025 beginning at 07:00pm. The agenda for the 2024 meeting will be shown here nearer to the date.

The minutes of previous meetings can be viewed below by clicking the link.


Annual Meeting of the Parish Agenda 2024

Annual Parish Meeting Chair’s Report 2024

Annual Meeting of the Parish Draft Minute’s 2024

Annual Meeting of the Parish Award Report June 2024


Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 2023

Annual Parish Meeting Chair’s Report 2023

Annual Parish Minutes 2023


2022 Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

Annual Parish Minutes 2022

2022 Annual Parish Meeting Chair’s Report

2022 Annual Parish Meeting published report

2021 – No meeting due to COVID

2020 – No meeting due to COVID

ANNUAL Parish Meeting Minutes 16.05.19