Pride of Great Bentley Awards

Nominations for

Pride of Great Bentley Awards

It’s that time of year when we want to celebrate and show our appreciation for those members of Great Bentley Village that go above and beyond within our community.

At our Annual Parish Meeting in May we will be holding the Pride of Great Bentley Awards, but we need your help! We need your nominations of anyone who you think deserves this award.

This could be a kindly neighbour who visits an elderly person, someone who helps a busy mum with walking her children to school or an organiser of events that directly benefit people in Great Bentley.  All nominations are welcome.

Nomination forms are available below, or we can email you over one, or pop into the office to see us and we will happily print one off for you.

So please if you know a villager who has done something special to help others, nominate them today!  Anything that helps put the ‘Great’ into Great Bentley!

Pride of Great Bentley Awards – Nomination Form