The Friends of the Green

Central to our village and a significant focal point, Great Bentley Village Green is possibly the largest Village Green in the UK.  It measures around 42.5 acres.

“The Friends of The Green” committee was established many years ago:

  • To assist in the maintenance and improvement of Great Bentley Village and its Green
  • To promote functions to raise funds for the above
  • To report to the Parish Council actual or potential encroachment on or misuse of the Green
  • To encourage tidiness and prevent litter on the area of the Green and the Village

The Green was originally registered as common land. In the 1960s the Parish Council purchased the manorial rights of the Green on behalf of the village.  This changed the status of our Green in a very significant way, giving it special protection for future generations.

Various events such as Open Gardens and Table Top Sales have raised funds over the years and have additionally supported other village organisations and village events.

Recent examples are the purchase of bulbs for the Spinney, the Village Jubilee celebrations and planters for the green.

“The Friends” are keen  to represent the best interests of the Green and continue to fundraise and hold events throughout the year in order.  Events are advertised on the Parish website.

If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact :

Mick Dorling ( Chairman – Friends of the Green) e:mail  

If you have an interest in becoming a member of THE FRIENDS, new members are very welcome.